Parasite Benedenia sekii
Taxonomy Plathyhelminthes, Monogenea, Monopisthocotylea
Hosts Red sea bream (Pagrus major), squirefish (Chrysophrys auratus)
Infection site Body surface
Clinical sign Red-brown parasites are observed on the body surface. Wounded lesions are seen (Fig. 1).
Parasitology Adult parasite is flat and 3-6 mm in length. The parasite attaches to the host by a haptor at the posterior end and a pair of suckers at the anterior end. The parasite exhibits reddish color because it accumulates pigments of the skin of red sea bream (Ogawa, 2006).
Pathology Secondary infection occurs since bacteria invade through the injury.
Health hazard Since this parasite is not infectious to human, it is harmless in food hygiene.
Diagnosis Check the morphology of the parasite under a flattened preparation.
Other information

This disease occurs in red sea bream farms less frequently compared to the disease of Benedenia seriolae in yellowtail farms. The reason is unknown.

References Ogawa, K. (2006): Skin fluke infection (Benedeniosis). New atlas of fish diseases (eds. by Hatai K. and K. Ogawa), Midori Shobo, p. 182. (In Japanese)

Fig. 2. Benedenia sekii

Fig. 1. Several injuries caused by skin fluke are observed on the
skin of cultured red sea bream.

(Photos by O. Murata)