(Photo by Y. Ishihara (1))

Fig. 3. Metacercaria from the cyst.

Fig. 1. Cysts (arrows) in the fin of whitespotted conger.

Parasite name Unidentified trematoda.
Taxonomy Plathyhelminthes, Trematoda
Host Whitespotted conger (Conger myriaster)
Infection site Fin
Clinical signs Whitish granulated bodies (1.0-1.5 mm) are observed in the fin (Fig. 1).
Parasitology Cyst is a metacercaria of trematode encapsulated by the hostfs connective tissue (Fig. 2). The body is round and protrudes anteriorly (Fig. 3). The parasite is not identified at a species level because of the lack of adults. The life cycle is unknown.
Pathology No report.
Health hazard Since no human trematode has been reported in conger eel, it is probably harmless in food hygiene.
Diagnosis The worm was diagnosed as trematode since it had an oral sucker-like structure at the anterior end.
Other information This parasite was found in wild whitespotted conger caught off San-In area, the Sea of Japan side of western part of Japan.

References No report.

Fig. 2. Metacercaria cysts collected from the fin.