Parasite Unidentified trematoda
Taxonomy Plathyhelminthes, Trematoda
Host Dusky sole (Pleuronectes mochigarei)
Infection site Fin
Clinical sign Whitish granulated bodies (1.5-2 mm) are observed in the fin (Fig. 1).
Parasitology Cyst is a metacercaria of trematode encapsulated by the hostfs connective tissue (Fig. 2). The body is ca. 3 mm long (Fig. 3). The parasite is not identified at a species level because of the lack of adults. The life cycle is unknown. This metacercariae may become adults after ingested by the final hosts (fish, waterfowl or marine mammal).
Pathology No report
Health hazard Since no human trematode has been reported in flatfish, it is probably harmless in food hygiene.
Diagnosis The worm was diagnosed as trematode since it had an oral sucker, a ventral sucker and the intestine.
Other information This parasite was found in the frozen fillet with eggs of dusky sole imported from Alaska.
References No report

Fig. 1. Fillet of dusky sole parasitized by trematodes (arrows)
in the fin.

(Photos by J. Araki)

Fig. 3. A metacercaria of trematode from the cyst.

Fig. 2. Cysts (arrows) of metacercaria in the fin.