Parasite Unidentified leech (possibly rhynchobdellidan)
Taxonomy Annelida, Hirudinea
Host Flathead mullet (Mugil cephalus)
Infection site Body surface
Clinical sign A leech is observed on the body surface (Fig. 1).
Parasitology Though this leech is not identified, it would belong to the genus Ichthyobdella, Limnotrachelobdella or other similar genera because of the morphological characteristics of the body and the suckers (Shiino, 1969).
Pathology Parasitized fish may be adversely affcted by the attachment and sucking because the leech is large-size compared to the host.
Health hazard Since this parasite is not infectious to human, it is harmless in food hygiene.
Diagnosis Observe the morphology of the parasite.
Other information This leech was reported in the flathead mullet caught from brackish water in Mie Prefecture.
References Shiino, S. (1969): Suisan musekitsui dobutsu gaku. Baifukan, Tokyo, pp. 108-126.

(Photos by H. Iketake)

Fig. 1. A leech on the body surface of flathead mulet.

Fig. 2. Unidentified leech from the mullet.