Pathogen Candida sake
Taxonomy Anamorphic fungi, Hyphomycetes
Hosts Salmonid fishes
Disease name Tympanites ventriculi
Infection site Stomach
Clinical signs Abnormally swollen abdomen is observed (Fig. 1).
Fungiology Candida sake is a yeast whose body is oval (3-4×3.5-6 μm) or elongate (2-3×6-15 μm) (Hatai and Egusa, 1975; Hatai, 2006). It forms hyphal cells (pseudomycelium).
Pathology A distended stomach filled with gas bubbles and flimsy gastric wall are observed in the diseased fish. The gastric mucosa is erosive (Awakura and Kimura, 1972). The fish becomes lethargic, and finally dies due to the impairment of feeding and swimming (Hatai, 2006).
Health hazard Since this fungus is not infectious to human, it is harmless in food hygiene.
Diagnosis Check the yeast in the stomach.
Other information Because this disease cannot be experimentally reproduced, the disease mechanisms are unknown.

Awakura, T. and T. Kimura (1972): A gastric dilatation found in pond-cultured Oncorhynchus masou. Fish Pathol., 6, 121-124.

Hatai, K. and S. Egusa (1975): Candida sake from gastro-tympanites of amago, Oncorhynchus rhodurus. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., 41, 993.

Hatai, K. (2006): Tympanites ventriculi. New atlas of fish diseases (ed. by Hatai, K. and K. Ogawa), Midori Shobo, p. 32. (In Japanese)

(Photo by T. Awakura)

Fig. 1. Masu salmon showing tympanites vebtriculi